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What is servitization and why does it matter to you?

Whether you're grappling with strategic level servitization or you're a hands-on manager in the middle of a project, this short servitization guide is just for you.

David Joelsson
David Joelsson
September 24, 2024
What is servitization and why does it matter to you?

Over the last few years we've been able to help many companies in a variety of industries make their shift from products to services. Some people talk about this as part of a digital 'transformation', which is certainly easier to pronounce than 'servitization'..!

Whatever you want to call it, I've taken a few learnings with me from working with these processes. The common hiccups, the do's and don'ts, the things to look out for. I've outlined my takeaways below, and if you want to find out more feel free to download the guide.

1. Create a seperate service organisation

2. Go from reactive to proactive services

3. From efficient use to efficient process

4. Charge for your services

5. Take over parts of the customer's process

6. Turn product into service

7. Define what jobs your customer is doing


Want to find out more about the tips above? Download the servitization mini-guide. Any more questions, don't hesitate to shoot me a mail.

David Joelsson
Written by
David Joelsson

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