Gaining insights for a lawyer app


A short 2-week design sprint with Rätt resulted in many valuable insights for improvements to their service.

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2 Weeks
UX Design,
Design Sprint
Insights for a law app

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A short 2-week design sprint with Rätt resulted in many valuable insights for improvements to their service.


The Rätt lawyer app provides legal services for both private customers and small businesses. The app was in fact the first lawyer app where users could book calls in order to get legal advice. By signing in with Mobile BankID users could create errands and get matched with lawyers specialised in that area, in order to get the best and quickest service for the money.


Users found the booking process was perhaps not the smoothest, easiest or most user friendly. A short design sprint needs to be correctly scoped due to time constraints, so making a high-fidelity prototype of an entire booking flow would have been overkill and unnecessary for this sprint. There fore we decided early to keep things simple and only focus on the user experience, not the product interface design.

During the sprint it became clear that the user flow required better balance. How could we include all necessary information, making all the (quite considerable) legal jargon easier and more accessible, while still being a speedy, simple process for users?


When looking at a booking process it’s not about re-inventing the wheel but rather using flows that users expect, and hope fully finding additional smart features that may improve the process. These cut down on user frustrations and shorten flows.

One of the sprint goals was making sure users feel safe when using the app. In order to achieve peace of mind we discussed the flow itself and the copy, but we also looked at additional features that could provide support such as the possibility of adding someone to a meeting, for example a translator, friend or parent – these features which were received positively in our user tests.

Other insights uncovered focused around clarifying bookings; logistics around meetings; and preparation for meetings.

After two intense and exciting weeks we delivered our insights and recommendations to Rätt. We wish them all the best in developing their great service so they may help even more people with their legal needs.

Keen to uncover insights to improve your digital service? Reach out, maybe we can help.

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