A service for tradesmen


The Essguide tool helps users develop a complete list of the right amount of building material for their project.

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Construction and tradesmen products
8 Weeks
UX Design,
UX Design,
Progressive Web App


ESSVE, established in 1970, have introduced revolutionary products that have become must-haves in the professional craftsman’s toolbox and given ESSVE a leading position in Scandinavia. The ESSBOX System, for example, is an innovative game changer for professionals.


ESSVE provide a multitude of quality products for professional craftsmen, engineers and more, over a variety of industries. The challenge is to provide at least as highly innovative services to help the ESSVE customers.

This particular project focused on professional craftsmen as the user group, and in particular helping them with the calculation of materials and being able to present together with customers.


The solution, named ESSGUIDE, guides the tradesmen through decisions about building wooden decking. The tool helps users develop a complete list of the right amount of building material for their project.

The aims of the service

  1. To get the right amount of material. The craftsman does not want to make extra trips to product suppliers unnecessarily. That is bad for everyone involved in the project.
  2. As a sales tool. The tradesmen can, in a pedagogic manner, take the customer through the process IRL and discuss the project.

Technically the build of ESSGUIDE is a progressive web application (PWA). As we’ve written about before there are many excellent reasons technically, and from a business perspective to why a PWA is a smart choice.

For ESSVE’s perspective, it makes the product long-term scaleable in the most efficient manner. When adding new “chapters”, functions, languages etc a PWA is a smarter, more efficient long-term technical undertaking since changes can be immediately made to users.

The ESSGUIDE is a mobile-first experience representing the likeliest customer behaviour, and also clearly positioning ESSVE as an innovative supplier. The ESSVE customer is mobile-first, therefore ESSVE have to be. :)

To get the absolute best out of this service it can be “added to home screen” on your mobile device… Hey Presto! It will look and feel just like a native app.

Do you have fantastic products that deserve fantastic services to accompany them? Reach out and we can find an exciting project together.

Where do you get started? All good things start with coffee.

We’d love to discuss your ideas and ambitions for digital services, new online business models, digital transformation and everything in between.

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