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10 in 5. Hugo Hedelin, Developer at Humblebee.

10 Questions in 5 Minutes for Hugo, one of the developers here at Humblebee Gothenburg

Russell Clark
Russell Clark
October 6, 2020
10 in 5. Hugo Hedelin, Developer at Humblebee.

10 Questions in 5 Minutes for Hugo

At Humblebee we’re a nicely balanced team that covers of business, tech and design which is woven into the DNA of all our product teams. Leaving even one out is folly. And we don’t like folly. Although it’s a lovely word to roll off your tongue. For our clients to see best effects, that’s how we roll.

So let’s meet one of our amazing developers. Next up in our round-the-team interviews is the man, the myth, Mr Hugo Hedelin.

  1. Hello Hugo! How the devil are you?
    Hola! It is änna good!
  2. What’s your favourite ice cream this season?
    Salted Caramel.
  3. What do you do at Humblebee?
    I’m a Full Stack Developer.
  4. Can you tell us exactly what a developer at Humblebee does?
    It varies quite a lot from project to project, but it mostly involves coding and playing ping pong ;).
  5. How come you ended up being a coder? What’s your background story?
    I have always been interested in computers and computer games (plus: I think I liked math). This led me to study Information technology (M.Sc.Eng), which in turn led me to become a coder.
  6. What’s the best thing about coding?
    You can do great and really cool things with just a small device. You don’t need a factory or a laboratory to be able to create amazing stuff that could be life changing for others.
  7. Ever found any particularly nasty bugs?
    Of course! Plenty! Especially in my own old code! Terrifying! ;)
  8. What’s the best thing about working at Humblebee?
    I really like that Humblebee is a smaller company where you know everyone and can talk to everyone. Everyone knows my name! (I hope).
  9. Of course we do Stefan. Do you have any advice for people starting out their career and considering coding?
    There isn’t only one way to become a developer. Some of the best developers I have met have learned coding all by themselves in their spare time, while others need a long formal education. Pick a path that suits you!
  10. If you could give a company one piece of advice (from a business perspective)… perhaps a recurring error you have seen from your career… what would that be?
    Involve the footmen, e.g. developers, when taking business decisions. Plan one day each month when the CEO and a random developer swaps position! What could go wrong?!

Cheers Hugo! You’re a legend. :)

If you’re interested in working with us at Humblebee then get in touch and we’ll meet up for coffee and a chat.

Russell Clark
t. +46 (0)734 359 741

Russell Clark
Written by
Russell Clark

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