90 Day Innovation
Is your organisation ready to create a spin-out, venture or new business model? Our 90 Day Innovation journey delivers you over 20 concepts, and boils them down to 1-3 concepts with investment case.

Our 90 Day Innovation delivers you over 20 concepts, and boils them down to 1-3 MDP (Minimum Desirable Product) concepts with investment case.
Why do you need this?
The ability to create new services that can become new ventures, with new business models, is the most powerful weapon a company has. Unfortunately it's a process that happens too seldom.
If your organisation is serious about innovation, creating new business models, or 'disrupting' itself then this package is perfect.
Why now?
We all know the pace of change within technology and society rapidly increases every year. You're also already aware that industries are ever more converging into each other. Not to mention the huge amount of start-ups and leaner competition that are attacking you from all sides creating a "Death by 1000 cuts" situation, taking ever increasing cuts of your revenue year by year... In that backdrop, the time to create new corporate ventures is yesterday.
Who is this for?
The 90 Day Innovation together with Humblebee is suited to C-Level staff, and those with a mandate to drive innovation or spin-out ventures at your organisation.
What are the business benefits?
New revenue sources you had no idea existed.
What is the process?
Our 90 Day Innovation journey is a time-boxed process with the aim of validating over 20 concepts and arriving at 1-3 solid MDP concepts and investment cases.
- We gather over 20 concepts and initially screen them.
- We then create 6-10 pitches including product, competition, market dynamics and more.
- We will further develop 3-5 pitches that have 'survived' the process thus far. These pitches will have more business model; team & organisation details.
- Remaining after 90 days will be 1-3 Minimum Desirable Product concepts, sketches, and investment cases.
How long does this take?
The clue is in the name 😎. This is a 90 day / 3 month process.
Who will be carrying this out?
A dedicated team of high-calibre Humblebee staff together with domain experts from your organisation. From Humblebee we will provide experts within venture business design, service and user experience design, plus technical expertise. Domain knowledge and branch expertise comes from your side, or from selected stakeholders whom we decide to include in the sprint.
What do we need from you?
We need your attendance in key workshops over the 90 Day process. We also need your input, knowledge, data and expertise available to us. This will allow us to create something great in 90 Days.
What happens after the 90 Day Innovation?
By the end of our 90 Days you'll have concepts that are ready to go into our incubation process. You can start designing and building digital services that we already know are desired and feasible to build. You'll be ready to build the business / venture for real; assign a team; operations; prepare a Go To Market strategy and more. Yes we can help. :)